Glebionis segetum. Name also: Corn Daisy; Family: Daisy Family – Compositae, subfamily Asteroideae (formerly Aster Family – Asteraceae); Growing form: 


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Glebionis segetum (Linnaeus) Fourreau, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, n. s. 17: 90.

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) Fourr. Glebionis segetum. Corn Marigold. Buíán. · Description · Additional information · Related products · Tripleurospermum maritimum.

Hitta stockbilder i HD på Glebionis Segetum Whose Common Names Include och miljontals andra royaltyfria stockbilder, illustrationer och vektorer i 

2 synonyms for Chrysanthemum segetum: corn marigold, field marigold. What are synonyms for Glebionis segetum? Glebionis segetum: 1 Leaf blades mostly 2–3-pinnately lobed; disc cypselae ± prismatic, ± compressed, obscurely ribbed, sometimes with adaxial (rarely the abaxial) rib ± winged Glebionis coronaria De gele ganzenbloem (Glebionis segetum, synoniem: Chrysanthemum segetum) is een eenjarige plant die behoort tot de composietenfamilie (Asteraceae of Composit Buy corn marigold ( syn.

Gullkrage Glebionis segetum. (syn. Chrysanthemum segetum). Familj: Korgblommiga, Asteraceae. FÖREKOMST OCH BETYDELSE. Lokalt allmän i Skåne, 

1753; Xantophtalmum segetum (Linnaeus) Schultz-Bipontinus. Leaf blades oblong to obovate or spatulate, 25–65+ × 8–25+ mm, coarsely 1-pinnate or not lobed, ultimate margins dentate or entire.Ray corollas golden yellow, laminae oblong-ovate, 8 Observation: Glebionis segetum (L.) Fourr. (Dr.

Glebionis segetum

Deze plant is blauwgroen, iets vlezig. Zij heeft een penwortel en een rechtopstaande, ronde, iets gegroefde, meestal iets vertakte stengel. De bladen zijn  Verspreiding en ecologie van Gele ganzenbloem. some Sardinian plant species: Glebionis coronaria (L.) Spach [= Chrysanthemum coronarium L.], locally known as 'caragantzu', Glebionis segetum (L.) Fourr. Glebionis segetum.
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Arten odlas  Glandora prostrata subsp. lusitanica · Glaucium corniculatum · Glaucium flavum · Glebionis coronaria · Glebionis discolor · Glebionis segetum · Gagea lacaitae  Den vackra fjärilen, känd som den ängsbruna maniola jurtina, som sitter på de gula blommorna av Page 2 of 8: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 · ASTERACEAE · Gamochaeta falcata · Gamochaeta pensylvanica · Gamochaeta purpurea · Glebionis segetum · Gnaphalium  Substantiv. 1. en art (Glebionis segetum) inom växtfamiljen korgblommiga växter (Asteraceae); individ av arten gullkrage.

nyckelpiga, blomma, gul · nyckelpiga, blomma, gul · fluga, smörblomma, blomma · uppe., blomma, gul, glebionis, segetum, nära · uppe., blomma, gul, glebionis,  Here, an old fig tree and three small almond trees over a field of Glebionis segetum.
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Glabrous, blue-green, somewhat fleshy. Stems 20-60(-80) cm, simple or branched. Leaves oblong to obovate-oblong, the lower and middle cauline deeply incise- 

3. Leaf blades oblong to obovate or spatulate, 25–65+ × 8–25+ mm, coarsely 1-pinnate or not lobed, ultimate margins dentate or entire.Ray corollas golden yellow, laminae oblong-ovate, 8–20 mm. Ray cypselae weakly triquetrous, 2.5–3 mm, obscurely, if at all, winged, lateral faces 2-ribbed, abaxial faces 3-ribbed; disc cypselae ± compressed-columnar, 2–3 mm, 10-ribbed, not winged. The new species name glebio'nis is taken from the Latin gleba meaning 'soil', and ionis which means "characteristic of" (of uncertain application).

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Glebionis segetum (L.) Fourr. 1869. Gullkrage. Glebionis segetum01.jpg. Släkte, Glebionis. Tribus, Anthemideae. Underfamilj, Asteroideae.

en art (Glebionis segetum) inom växtfamiljen korgblommiga växter (Asteraceae); individ av arten gullkrage. 2 Synonymer. 1 Betydelser. Ord intill i  Gele Ganzenbloem - Glebionis segetum. - Foto gemaakt door pinterester Adri v.d.S - Bord Wilde Gele bloemen - Yellow wildflowers. Adri v.d.SWilde Gele  Gullkrage Glebionis segetum.

Corn Marigold Glebionis segetum. CornMarigold-250x-TimWilkins-Plantlife.jpg. Corn marigold © Tim Wilkins/Plantlife. Status, Amber - Vulnerable and Near- 

Version 1.

Chrysanthemum segetum. Chrysanthemum umbrosum. Pyrethrum umbrosum. Xanthophthalmum segetum  Chrysanthemum holophyllum Pau Chrysanthemum segetum L. Chrysanthemum umbrosum Willd. Glebionis segetum (L.) Fourr.